Minnesota’s BEST SEO Company in Minneapolis and St. Paul
- Have your Google rankings and web traffic dropped recently?
- Is your web site generating plenty of quality leads and sales?
- Do you know how to cut your AdWords spending by half?
- Have you found out that Facebook and Twitter marketing is worthless?
- Are you advertising on the Yellow Pages for no results?
Boost Your Search Rankings
Affordable Internet Marketing
Your Business Bottom Line Depends on Search Engine Optimization
Search engines can’t rank your website high if it’s not optimized for the complex algorithms used by Google, Bing and Yahoo. You may have the most beautifully designed website, but if search engines don’t rank it at the top, potential customers and clients won’t find you. The experts at Kick Ass SEO, the leading web optimization company in Minnesota, want to help you understand what it takes to stay competitive on the internet and help you turn your website into a powerful lead-generating tool. Here are some facts about that every business owner or marketing director needs to know before hiring a firm to handle the critical job of web design and search optimization.- Most likely, you’ve seen SEO offers for shockingly low prices. If you want to pay for some worthless marketing that may actually harm your Google rankings, that’s what you’ll get with those offers. The reality is that there’s no way to provide a one-size-fits-all price for this highly specialized service. The products and services provided by a business determine the amount of work needed, so your cost will depend on many factors. Beginning with research and moving through detailed and highly-targeted keyword placement in your web content, effective search optimization takes time and effort. As the best Minneapolis SEO service company, the experts at Kick Ass SEO will work closely with you to create a plan that will produce solid, long-term results, at a price that fits your budget. Since Google ranking algorithms are always changing, your plan should include continuing work over time. Bottom line: Effective Google optimization done the right way works to produce more leads and sales. That’s priceless.
- Major internet corporations like Amazon and Google are hiring neuroscientists for their marketing departments as fast as universities can graduate them. Why? Because neuroscience now understands better than ever before how people make decisions. Old-fashioned trial-and-error marketing ideas have been replaced by research-based approaches. We are the only website design, SEO and pay-per-click marketing company in the Twin Cities metro area that is owned and managed by a neuroscientist who holds a PhD and has over 30 years of research experience. With our firm, you can take advantage of the latest knowledge that enables business giants to dominate the internet. Learn more about neuromarketing and how you can benefit from proven, science-based trade secrets.
What Business Owners Must Know about Search Engine Optimization
Discover the basics of SEO and how it can boost revenue and profit. Many business owners misunderstand how this very complicated process works. In addition, many self-proclaimed “experts” who have no experience or training use outdated or spam techniques that can actually hurt your search rankings. Finding the right company for this challenging job is not an easy task. Once you learn the facts, you’ll be ready to take advantage of this powerful strategy. Choose an SEO firm to help make your website a cost-effective marketing tool and maximize your business exposure on the internet. - Find out why making these common mistakes can cripple your website and keep it off the first page of search listings. Don’t invest your internet marketing budget on failed, unethical techniques used by many companies who make big promises, but can’t deliver. When you learn why many companies make the mistake of hiring the wrong SEO agency, you’ll understand that a successful search engine marketing campaign is a job for seasoned experts. You will also find out why SEO must be integrated into every aspect of your website.
- When it comes to internet marketing, how you use your budget makes all the difference. There’s a lot of hype about social media marketing, and many companies are trying to compensate for a poorly performing website by spending on advertising campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Before making that choice, get the answers to some hard questions that reveal which online marketing strategy actually works. Check the facts before you invest in worthless Facebook and Twitter advertisements. What you learn will clarify your options.
- Now, nearly 90% of new customers come from Google, Bing and Yahoo. Ignoring search marketing is a fatal mistake for many Twin Cities business owners. Get the facts about all the ways that SEO helps your business grow and thrive. Traditional, stale marketing methods no longer produce results. Your customers are actively searching the web for the products and services that they need, and where your website appears in search engine rankings is all-important. If solid web optimization strategies put your company near the top and right in front of your future customers, you win. If not, your competitors finish first.
- Learn why effective SEO can recession-proof your business and help you thrive in tough economic conditions. The success of your website at Google, Bing and Yahoo will determine whether it drives new customers to your company or to your competitors. Only when right search engine marketing strategies are meticulously planned and executed, your web site can rise to the top, and make your company the natural choice for people searching for your products and services. No matter what the state of the economy, top-ranked websites win the Google race.
- Here, you’ll learn how search engines find, index, and rank websites, and why you need to make an informed decision on choosing an SEO company in Minneapolis St. Paul. When your potential customers and clients look for the services or products that you provide at Google, they type a wide range of keyword phrases and questions. Google uses complex algorithms to rank websites based on their relevance to the users’ queries. It takes expertise, experience, and meticulous research to identify and place the keywords your customers use in your web content. How well keywords and phrases are used plays a big role in your rankings. Trust only a firm that has proven results.
- Realistic expectations of what SEO can and can’t do is essential. False promises and hype don’t produce revenue or profit. Well-implemented strategies are the only thing that gets the job done, but this complicated process takes time to work. Any company that promises you top rankings overnight isn’t telling you the truth. An effective campaign involves a lot of detailed work and knowledge of what Google, Bing and Yahoo are looking for. As with most things, quality is the true measure of value in marketing. The experts at Kick Ass SEO work to provide you solid, long-lasting returns on your investment.
- Not all SEO firms have the expertise, knowledge, and experience needed to turn your website into a strong performer. You don’t have to be an expert, though, to choose the right company. We’ll show you how to evaluate agencies in the only way that makes sense – their clients’ results. By thoroughly checking out any agency, using our common-sense guidelines, you can separate the wheat from the chaff and avoid spending your hard-earned money on an ineffective campaign that is sure to fail.
- Search engine optimization isn’t the only part of your website that makes a difference. SEO works with every aspect of your internet marketing to generate new leads and sales. From the basic design of your webpages to the content that keeps visitors on your web site, gives them your message, and motivates them to become your customer, target keywords and phrases must be planned and included to blend into that design and content in ways that get the attention of Google and your potential clients and customers. It is meticulous and crucial work that only works properly when done by a seasoned, proven team.