Professional SEO Copywriting Service – Minneapolis St. Paul, MN
- Can you save money by writing your web content?
- Do web visitors actually read web pages?
- How does valuable content help improve conversion and Google rankings?
Minnesota Website Optimization
For far too many business websites, content has never been a major concern. It’s common to see a great-looking website with content that is poorly-written by amateur writers. Most web sites have content with no continuity of style or intent. As your most important salesperson, content talks directly to your potential customers and communicates with them about your message. One of the fastest ways you can send a website visitor to your competitor is to treat the web content as an afterthought. When you invest in search engine optimization to get more quality traffic, this is even more important, since including relevant keywords and phrases has to be done in a way that makes the content read naturally to both visitors and search engines. Google can only read a website by extracting the keywords and meaning from it. No matter how beautifully your graphic design is, Google can’t see it the way human visitors can. Some of the misconceptions about hiring non-professional writers include:
Assuming You Can Write
For almost all business owners, this may come as a surprise: You and your staff can’t write well. Communicating clearly with readers is a highly trained skill and effective copywriting is an even more specialized skill. Don’t give this crucial job to an intern, an amateur writer, or attempt it yourself. Instead, hire a professional marketing copywriter. What makes your website stand above the competition is not fancy design, but the valuable, well-written information you provide.
Thinking Visitors Don’t Read
You may have been told that web visitors don’t have the patience to read, as this has been demonstrated in many studies that track visitor behavior. However, this misleading conclusion was based on the assumption that all websites used in those studies have something worth reading. If you browse a few business websites, it is not hard to learn that the vast majority of business websites offer consumers nothing valuable to read. Your web visitors WILL read your content if you give them something that is worth their time. More importantly, those who take the time to read are more motivated to take action and become leads or paying customers.
Assuming Visitors Want to Learn About You
Most businesses endlessly talk about themselves on their websites. It may well be true that your company offers the best products and services at the best prices. But if you can’t solve your potential customers’ problems, no one cares how great your company is, what your CEO’s hobbies are, or how low your prices are. Visitors come to your website when they have a problem to solve or a product or service that they need. Your job is to help them find a solution first, and then convince them that your business is their best choice.
Creating Web Content without Knowing Your Customers
Who is the target audience of your website content? Your potential customers, your existing customers, your competitors, yourself, or some undefined audience? If your website exists to promote your business, you should focus on your customers. If you want to write for them, you need to understand what they are searching for. Search engine users conduct searches to find solutions to their problems. It is your job to anticipate what they are looking for and have the answers ready. Professional copywriters understand how to write specifically for your customers, no matter what their demographic group is.
Writing for Search Engines, but Not Your Customers
If the web content at your website doesn’t connect with visitors, then no matter how high your rankings are, it will not bring you new leads or sales. Writing for your web visitors means understanding their needs and focusing your content on that, first and foremost. You don’t want your content to seem unnatural, so avoid including target keywords where they don’t belong. Skillfully weaving your target keywords and phrases into dynamic, compelling marketing content is a job for a seasoned professional copywriter.
Cutting Corners on Content Creation
When someone is looking for information in your industry, the search engine wants to present the user with websites that have the most in-depth and accurate information. Can your website convince search engines that it contains expert advice and knowledge? Many business owners never bother to share their knowledge with customers. That fails to give your company an edge over the competition for your customers, but also for search engines. Websites that lack substantial content have great difficulty in gaining top rankings as well as good visitor-to-customer conversions.
Professional Web Copywriting for Effective SEO – Minneapolis St. Paul, MN
What separates your website from your competitors’ is not a cool logo or a fancy animation. Instead, it is the useful, informative content that educates your visitors about your services or products and about your business. Web visitors WILL read, as long as they find something worth reading. Kick Ass SEO has the best copywriters in Minneapolis St. Paul, Minnesota, who have been writing and editing marketing and web content for over 30 years. Our copywriting service will help you create the content that will turn your website into your very best salesperson. Contact us today to discuss your SEO content needs. We’ll help you create a website that meets your goals.